The Wheel of Time: Origins, and the aftershow, Inside the Wheel of Time. Origins is a series of animated short films that tell several stories set during the years and centuries before the events of the TV series.
All Episodes
S0 E1: Origin Stories - The Breaking of the World
S0 E2: "Look Inside" Episode 1
S0 E3: Origin Stories - The Fall of Manetheren
S0 E4: "Look Inside" Episode 2
S0 E5: Origin Stories - The Greatest Warder
S0 E6: "Look Inside" Episode 3
S0 E7: Inside the Wheel of Time: Episode 1 (ft Marcus Rutherford)
S0 E8: Origin Stories - Saidin, Saidar, Stone
S0 E9: "Look Inside" Episode 4
S0 E10: Inside the Wheel of Time: Episode 2 (ft Zoë Robins)
S0 E11: Origin Stories - The White Tower
S0 E12: "Look Inside" Episode 5
S0 E13: Inside the Wheel of Time: Episode 3 (ft Isis Mussenden)
S0 E14: Origin Stories - An Ogier’s Longing
S0 E15: "Look Inside" Episode 6
S0 E16: Inside the Wheel of Time: Episode 4 (ft Daniel Henney)
S0 E17: "Look Inside" Episode 7
S0 E18: Inside the Wheel of Time: Episode 5 (ft Nick Dudman & Julian Parry)
S0 E19: "Look Inside" Episode 8
S0 E20: Inside the Wheel of Time: Episode 6 (ft Madeleine Madden)