After a devastating attack on Earth kills seven million people, Captain Archer and the crew of the NX-01 venture into the Delphic Expanse to seek out those responsible.
S3 E1: The Xindi
S3 E2: Anomaly
S3 E3: Extinction
S3 E4: Rajiin
S3 E5: Impulse
S3 E6: Exile
S3 E7: The Shipment
S3 E8: Twilight
S3 E9: North Star
S3 E10: Similitude
S3 E11: Carpenter Street
S3 E12: Chosen Realm
S3 E13: Proving Ground
S3 E14: Stratagem
S3 E15: Harbinger
S3 E16: Doctor's Orders
S3 E17: Hatchery
S3 E18: Azati Prime
S3 E19: Damage
S3 E20: The Forgotten
S3 E21: E²
S3 E22: The Council
S3 E23: Countdown
S3 E24: Zero Hour
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