The show follows the epic journey of the monk Tang Sanzang and his three disciples-Sun Wukong (the Monkey King), Zhu Bajie (Pigsy), and Sha Wujing (Sandy)-as they travel westward in search of Buddhist scriptures.
All Episodes
S1 E1: The Birth of Monkey King
S1 E2: Monkey King the Charge of Horses
S1 E3: Monkey King Wreaks Havoc in the Palace of Heaven
S1 E4: Monkey King Imprisoned in Wuhang Mountain
S1 E5: Monkey King Becomes the Body Guard of Monk Tang
S1 E6: Disaster in Kwan-yin Temple
S1 E7: Getting Ba Jie with Strategy
S1 E8: Facing Three Adversities during the Rough Journey
S1 E9: Stealing the Ginseng Fruit
S1 E10: Beating the Dead Bones Spirit Three Times
S1 E11: Stimulating the Monkey King Wisely
S1 E12: Seizing Treasures in Lotus Flower Cave
S1 E13: Killing the Devils in the Wuji Country
S1 E14: A Battle with the Red Boy
S1 E15: Defeating the Three Monsters with Magic
S1 E16: The Funny Advantage in the Women Nation
S1 E17: Getting the Palm-leaf Fan for Three Times
S1 E18: Cleaning the Tower and Clarifying the Injustice
S1 E19: Getting in the Little Thunder Temple Accidentally
S1 E20: Doctor Monkey King
S1 E21: Falling in the Spider Silk Cave Accidentally