S1 E1: Curse of the Monkeybird
S1 E16: Giant Alien Mouth
S1 E23: Cactus if you Can
S1 E33: Holiday Purrchase
S1 E35: Snow Laughing Matter
S1 E40: Sylvester Car Jack Lift
S1 E46: Flag Won’t Stay Straight
S1 E48: The Case of Porky's Pants
S1 E51: Planet Split in Two
S1 E59: Shoe Shine-nanigans
S1 E60: Multiply and Conquer
S1 E63: The Daffy Dentist
S1 E68: Hammer the Rabbit Hole
S1 E77: Born To Be Wile E.
S1 E82: A Wolf in Cheap Clothing